what's here
see also
This is a path in Putnam County, New York -- mostly off-road, flat to
gentle. Around 7.3 miles has been completed and paved as of
January 2005 -- see
rough map. There is a plan to someday pave around 12 miles total (see
the Reports
and NYS-DOT links below for hints about the status
of completion).
Definitely worth exploring by families with children, or anybody
looking for bicycling in Putnam county without much motor vehicle
The completed sections (as of January 2005) go from near Carmel through Mahopac
to the southern border of
Putnam County -- where the trail connects with the Westchester
North County Trailway at Baldwin Place.
For more information see:
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| Reports
| other Gentler Places
| more on Putnam
- Where: in the western parts of Putnam County, New
York, around Mahopac + Carmel.
official brochure + trail map (PDF format, 2.5MB) from
Putnam County Planning dept
or this
approximate Map of trailway
- Sections: (south to north)
- - Baldwin Place (Rt 118) to Mahopac (Mt Hope Rd) -- 2.4 miles
Much of this section runs in between Rt 6 and Bucks Hollow
(connection to
Westchester North County Trailway at Baldwin Place)
- - Mt Hope Rd to Croton Falls Rd -- 0.6 mile
Once about 0.3 mile of this was a wide shoulder on the
high-traffic Rt 6 vehicle road, and about 0.2 mile was a sidewalk
on the north side of Croton Falls Rd to turn for Mud Pond Rd. In
2006 we heard that this has changed: see
- - Croton Falls Rd to Carmel -- around 4.3 miles
Route includes two
crossings underneath Weber Rd, a high bridge over Drewville Rd and
another bridge (? over the west branch of the Croton River ?).
Southwest end of this section is at Mud Pond Rd near Croton Falls
Rd (Putnam county Rt 34). Northeast end of this section is at Seminary Hill Rd by
Church St and Rt 6.
- - ? Carmel to Brewster -- around 4.5 miles ?
As of January 2005, we do not know details about the status or
plans for this section -- like where each end will be, or
how much of it will be a shoulder on Rt 6, or when it might be
constructed. See the Reports
for hints about the status of this section.
- Characteristics: Flat to gentle, mostly off-road.
The sections most people use are paved.
Note: Some sections of the trail are incomplete (as of May 2004) -- see
Traffic: The trail itself is mostly off-road,
but it intersects with public roads or driveways at several points,
some with high-speed vehicle traffic -- so special care is required in
detecting, approaching, and crossing those. Also at least section
is in the shoulder of a high-speed vehicle road.
Also, there can be lots of non-motorized users on the
path: walkers, runners, skaters, bicyclists, etc -- sometimes
at high speeds, sometimes oblivious to other users, sometimes not following
rules or the directions of signs.
Need to take seriously the risk of interactions and collisions with
Traffic -- nearby roads: Most users of the trail stay only
on main trail route. If you decide to go off the trail, be
aware that most of the streets and roads nearby have high traffic
volume, often at high speeds, and often little or no shoulder.
That's a whole different set of risks, with a whole different set of
skills and strategies needed for handling them. For help on
learning about those risks and skills, see Resources
for Bicycle Riding.
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| Reports
| other Gentler Places
| more on Putnam
For more
information see
see also
A possible route for the bicycle Trail is shown as a red dashed
curve on lower center-right of map.
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