Notes on Bicycle Road Riding


Riding a bicycle on roads has dangers and risks that need to be taken seriously.  We have a separate page about this -- see 

Risks of Bicycle Riding 


There are some helpful websites, discussion groups, and books with ideas for bicycle riding and touring -- see 

Resources for Bicycle Riding 


Many of these route descriptions do not say much about where to park a motor vehicle near the start or finish of the route.  The reason is that while these bicycle routes can handle large numbers of users, in some cases the parking areas cannot.  Therefore we think it is often better to disperse the parking by letting everyone find their own spot.

Advice:  Park in places that are designated as public parking, either in public parking lots or along roadsides.  Avoid obstructing the flow of traffic -- even if this is perfectly legal.   No reason to create resentment of bicyclists.  If you have questions about whether it's OK to park in some spot, find someone who lives or works nearby -- and ask.

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